This drawer contains various kind of demo programs: you will find graphics demos, "scene" material and demo versions of
forthcoming commercial packages.
All the programs are already installed and ready to run; they do not require addional configuration where not
clearly requested.
Every drawer may contain also an installation script to easily transfer the entire application on your Hard-Disk or other storage equipements.
Note on the demos included in the "Graphics&Sound" demos drawer
We would like to remind you that some demos may require particular configurations and/or
"operative conditions" in order to run properly.
We suggest you to de-activate as many hack as possible since many demos completely take control of your machine.
Some demos are able to safely freeze your applications and to switch back to the O.S once finished, but
some others just will freeze the entire machine forcing you to reset your Amiga.
Since it is impossible to avoid these behaviours you are strongly suggested to carefully read the
included documentation ( when available ).
We would also like to suggest you to save all your datas and to close all your applications before trying these special kind of programs.
For more details on the content of this drawer please refer to the "Contents" page.